School Day Timings
School Opening Hours
Opening: 8:45am
Closing: 3:20pm
Total hours per week: 32 hours 55 minutes
Start of the Day Routine
The large gate opens on the car park at 8:30am so that all children and families can walk round to the playground. All children (apart from Year 6 children who have ‘walking permission’) are accompanied by an adult parent/carer until 8:35am. Children then line up by their teacher on the playground. At 8:35am children are walked into classrooms by their teachers. The gates will be locked at 8:45am which is when the register will be taken.
End of the Day Routine
The gate will be opened at 3:15pm and children will be dismissed from their classroom straight to their parent/carer at 3:20pm on the playground where families will be waiting.
End of the Day Routine for Nursery Children
The small gate on the left of the school office, leading into our Early Years setting, opens at 11:30am (for children with a 15-hour place) and at 2:45pm (for children with a 30-hour place). Children are lined up with their teachers and are dismissed to their parent/carer.