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Attendance News & Incentives

At Newtown we strive to enable every child to become successful learners, responsible citizens and resilient individuals. Research shows that good attendance is linked to academic success. If children have good attendance (96% - 100%), we believe that they have every opportunity to succeed at Newtown. We expect children to attend school every day that they possibly can. At Newtown, we support and encourage families to be able to achieve this.

What attendance percentages mean:

Achieved Attendance Target


Excellent attendance

Full attendance and no days missed from school – the best chance of success


Good attendance


8 days missed from school

Worrying Attendance Monitored


Below the expected level of attendance

9 days missed – less chance of success and makes it harder for your child to make progress


Below the expected level of attendance and needs to improve

18 days missed

Cause for Concern (below 90%)


Worrying and attendance needs to improve

19 days missed (persistent absence threshold). Your child will find it very hard to make progress.


Poor attendance and must improve

28 days missed

Below 50% Attendance


Severely Absent and at risk of Educational Neglect


  • If a pupil has 90% attendance through their primary and secondary education; it means that they have missed the equivalent of a whole year off school.